
Priority Categories in Asylum Policy

Gender Mainstreaming in German Resettlement Programmes for Syrian Refugees

Theme Gender & SexualityMigration & Race/Ethnicity

About the project

Gender is central to the selection of refugees for asylum. The objective of this study is to understand how gender equality conceptions affect priority categories in asylum policies within transnational policy processes. Focusing on German resettlement programmes for Syrian refugees, it follows the selection process from category making to category implementation.

To improve empirical and theoretical understandings of inclusion and exclusion this study analyses how different conceptions of gender equality by various actors produce hierarchies within categories of refugees. The novel cross-fertilization of critical Migration- and Gender Studies approaches category making and implementation as flexible processes throughout different policy stages.

Research Talent grant NWO | 406.16.535 | 2016–2020

Latest Project Outreach


  • Dr. Liza Mügge

    Associate Professor
    Principal Investigator
    Political Science Department
    University of Amsterdam

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  • Natalie Welfens

    PhD Candidate (2016–2021)
    Interests: Gender, intersectionality, migration, refugee governance, deservingness