The projects of Politics of Diversity
(Post) Colonial Transnational Actors and Homeland Political Development: The Case of Surinam
Adriana Cassis
Am I Amsterdam? Immigrant Integration and Urban Change
Ana Dorscheidt
Barriers and opportunities of migrant representation
Beyond Dutch Borders: Transnational Politics among Colonial Migrants, Guest Workers and the Second Generation
Book review of: Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges: Contemporary Social Movements in Europe and North America
Bridging the Qualitative and Quantitative Divide in Comparative Migration Studies: Newspaper Data and Political Ethnography in Mixed Method Research
Brussels Calling: The European Organization of Migrants from Turkey
Categories on the Move: Governing Refugees in Transnational Admission Programmes to Germany
Conceptualising the Emergence of Immigrants' Transnational Communities
Diversiteit op het pluche. Memoires en autobiografieën van politici met een migratieachtergrond
Diversity in Transnationalism: Surinamese Organizational Networks
Dr. Liza Mügge
Dual Nationality and Transnational Politics
Dutch Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
Ethnic Amsterdam: Immigrants and Urban Change in the Twentieth Century
Families First? The Mobilization of Family Norms in Refugee Resettlement
French Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
German Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
Ideologies of nationhood in sending-state transnationalism: Comparing Surinam and Turkey
Imagined constituents: Minoritized citizens’ evaluations of political representatives in Germany and the Netherlands
In the Mud Puddle: The Research Diary as A Method
Intersectionaliteit in de media: Representatie van Nederlandse Kamerleden met een migratieachtergrond in dagbladen, 1986-2016
Intersectionality, Recruitment and Selection: Ethnic Minority Candidates in Dutch Parties
Judith de Jong
Khadija Arib en vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond
Liza Mügge: 'Sylvana Simons is symbolisch van groot belang'
Locally Specific Transnational Ties: Turkish and Turkish-Kurdish Immigrants in the Netherlands
Managing Transnationalism: Continuity and Change in Turkish State Policy
Melanie Ihuoma
Migrant votes ‘here’ and ‘there’: Transnational electoral behavior of Turks in the Netherlands
Misrepresenting Diversity?
Natalie Welfens
Political narratives in representation: Maiden speeches of ethnic minority members of parliament
Political Participation and Representation of Dutch Citizens with Roots in Turkey
Political Representation and Intersectionality: Perspectives of Ethnically/Racially Minoritized Citizens
Politics at the Intersection
Priority Categories in Asylum Policy
Protecting Refugees Inside, Protecting Borders Abroad?
Quo Vadis, Migrationspolitik? Die Wahlprogramme deutscher Parteien unter der Lupe
Quota and Intersectionality: Ethnicity and Gender in Candidate Selection
quote Liza Mügge
quote Michael Hunklinger
Race/Ethnicity in Candidate Experiments: a Meta-Analysis and the Case for Shared Identification
Representing their own? Ethnic minority women in the Dutch Parliament
Sanne van Oosten
Setting the Trends for Resettlement in Europe? Germany’s New Avenues for Refugee Protection
Social Boundaries in Movement
Space invaders and norm-politicians: how the media represent the intersectional identities of Members of Parliament