The projects of Politics of Diversity
A Bundestag of Color? An Intersectional Analysis of Diversity in the German Parliament
Agressie en geweld bedreigen de diversiteit van het burgemeesterkorps
Als 'de jongens' het voor het zeggen hebben
An Interdisciplinary and International Perspective: An Interview with Liza Mügge
Book review of: Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges: Contemporary Social Movements in Europe and North America
Contemporary crises in European politics: gender equality+ under threat
De politieke genderkloof: opkomst van vrouwen bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen
De tweede sekse in politiek en openbaar bestuur: Verklaringen en oplossingen voor de ondervertegenwoordiging van vrouwen
Descriptive Representation
Dr. Liza Mügge
Dutch elections 2021: Diversity and fragmentation
Dutch Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
French Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
Gender en diversiteit in besluitvorming: de corona-crisis als breekijzer voor gelijkheid
German Ethnic Minority and Muslim Attitudes, Voting, Identity and Discrimination (EMMAVID)
Heksen, fakkels en #MeToo: gendergerelateerd geweld in de politiek
Imagined constituents: Minoritized citizens’ evaluations of political representatives in Germany and the Netherlands
Intersectionality and the politics of knowledge production
Intersectionality on the go: The diffusion of Black feminist knowledge across disciplinary and geographical borders
Judith de Jong
Khadija Arib en vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond
Migrant votes ‘here’ and ‘there’: Transnational electoral behavior of Turks in the Netherlands
Misrepresenting Diversity?
Political narratives in representation: Maiden speeches of ethnic minority members of parliament
Political Participation and Representation of Dutch Citizens with Roots in Turkey
Political Representation and Intersectionality: Perspectives of Ethnically/Racially Minoritized Citizens
Politics and gender: rocking political science and creating new horizons
Politics without Presence? The Symbolic Representation of Trans People in Germany and the Netherlands
Politiek van ons allemaal: Reactie op de Kamerbrief van Minister Ollongren over vrouwen in het openbaar bestuur
Race/Ethnicity in Candidate Experiments: a Meta-Analysis and the Case for Shared Identification
Representing their own? Ethnic minority women in the Dutch Parliament
Sanne van Oosten
Space invaders and norm-politicians: how the media represent the intersectional identities of Members of Parliament
Ten strijde tegen seksisme
Towards categorical visibility? The political making of a third sex in Germany and the Netherlands
Vielfalt und Repräsentation: Die Rolle der ethnischen Herkunft in der Politik
Vrouwen op het pluche: een voortgaande strijd
What Explains Voting for DENK: Issues, Discrimination or In-group Favouritism?
What shapes voter expectations of Muslim politicians’ views on homosexuality: stereotyping or projection?
Whose equality? Measuring group representation
Witte mannen zijn gewoon mannen, alle anderen zijn ‘anders’