The projects of Politics of Diversity
A Bundestag of Color? An Intersectional Analysis of Diversity in the German Parliament
Agressie en geweld
Agressie en geweld bedreigen de diversiteit van het burgemeesterkorps
Brit Anlar
Double Jeopardy or Multiple Advantage? Intersectionality and Political Representation
Dr. Liza Mügge
Dutch elections 2021: Diversity and fragmentation
Einfluss von Geschlecht und Hautfarbe auf Erfolgschancen bei Wahlen: Was Studien sagen
Fatimah Saadi
Geweld tegen politici
Intersectional Puzzles: Understanding Inclusion and Exclusion in Political Recruitment
Intersectionaliteit in de media: Representatie van Nederlandse Kamerleden met een migratieachtergrond in dagbladen, 1986-2016
Intersectionality and the politics of knowledge production
Intersectionality in European Political Science Research
Intersectionality on the go: The diffusion of Black feminist knowledge across disciplinary and geographical borders
Intersectionality, Recruitment and Selection: Ethnic Minority Candidates in Dutch Parties
Intersectionalizing European Politics: Bridging Gender and Ethnicity
Intimidatie en Veiligheid
Liza Mügge: 'Sylvana Simons is symbolisch van groot belang'
Melanie Ihuoma
Michael Hunklinger
Misrepresenting Diversity?
Political Representation and Intersectionality: Perspectives of Ethnically/Racially Minoritized Citizens
Politics at the Intersection
Quota and Intersectionality: Ethnicity and Gender in Candidate Selection
quote Liza Mügge
quote Zahra Runderkamp
Representing their own? Ethnic minority women in the Dutch Parliament
Rondje Brussel: Rapport Draghi, Duitse grens, vrouwen in de commissie
Space invaders and norm-politicians: how the media represent the intersectional identities of Members of Parliament
Vivien Fabry
What is Comparative Politics?
Whose equality? Measuring group representation
Witte mannen zijn gewoon mannen, alle anderen zijn ‘anders’
Zahra Runderkamp